William Weege

Born in 1935 in Wisconsin, William Weege studied printmaking, collage and sculpture at the University of Wisconsin. In the late 1960’s his posters hit the streets of San Francisco and soon covered the walls of every young hipster’s pad.

Weege today teaches art at the University of Wisconsin and is still creating and selling his artwork. He is the Professor Emeritus from the UW-Madison Art Department and founder and artistic director of Tandem Press. He has shown his art widely and has works in the collections of museums including the Brooklyn Museum, New York, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania, the Detroit Museum of Art and the Sam Francisco Museum of Art, California. In 1991 and 1992 he participated in a collaborative project, the Arts America Project Grant exhibited in Finland and Korea.

He is one of the earlier practitioners of the revival of making handmade paper which started in the 1960s. He is highly regarded for his broad understanding of all aspects of printmaking, but is constantly developing new ways for making art. His enthusiasm and exuberance are infectious and when asked to describe his philosophy for art, he says, “Do it.”


