Robert Patierno

Robert Patierno has exhibited his paintings, prints and drawings in galleries and museums throughout Europe and across the United states. He has shown his work in Belgium, France, Switzerland, as well as Scottsdale Arizona, Santa Fe New Mexico , Austin Texas, Raleigh North Carolina, Columbia South Carolina, and New York City. Patierno has placed prints, paintings and drawings in the permanent collection of The Royal Museum of Art, Antwerp, Belgium and the Frans Masereel Centrum Pour Grafiks, Kasterlee, also in Belgium. As well, the Erie Art Museum, the Lancaster Museum, and the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art in Pennsylvania have collected his work. Many Universities have accepted his work to their permanent collections granting both one man and group show opportunities. His work is sought by corporations and individual collectors alike. Robert is highly productive, revealed by the number of exhibitions produced each year. Presently Mr. Patierno is represented by the Davidson Galleries, Seattle Washington, the Concept Gallery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Glassgrowers Gallery, Erie, Pennsylvania, Spazio, in Austin Texas, The Raleigh Contemporary Gallery, Raleigh, North Carolina, and HoFP Gallery, Columbia, South Carolina. The Gallery Doshi of the Susquehanna Museum,Harrisburg,Pennsylvania produced an exhibition in 1999, the Erie Art Museum, and the Lancaster Art Museum have also produced exhibitions for Mr. Patierno in subsequent years. He was invited to show at the Albany Museum, Albany, Georgia. Patierno was a featured northeastern artist in New American Painting in 1999. Robert was a Founder of the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, starting the school with other faculty in 1983 and seeing it through its evolution to a four year, BFA granting institution. The Fine Arts Department was developed by Patierno where he was Chair for a decade before his resignation in 2003. Robert paints murals also, and resides in Pennsylvania.
