Mary Sweet

Mary Sweet was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio and has lived in Tijeras, NM since 1970. She has drawn and painted all her life and her media are acrylic on canvas and paper, woodblock prints, watercolor, monotype and artist books. The landscape has always been her primary inspiration; she discovered the pull of the canyons and deserts while still a teen. She still spends much time in such places – hiking, camping, and painting. Her work can be seen at The Johnsons Galleries in Madrid, Weyrich Gallery, Albuquerque Museum and DSG of Albuquerque. Because woodblock printing is not easily understood, she has done demonstrations for many groups and organizations. She has participated in the Open Space Visitor Center fundraising exhibits, taught workshops, and served as a Juror for the 1% For Art Project. Her work was selected for the Art in the Embassies Program to go to Lusaka, Zambia, Africa in 1999.
