Linda Touby

Linda Touby’s abstract paintings are meditative in size and seductive in color. The artist pairs intuitive brushstrokes with bold, horizontal bands of vibrant color offering a sense of balance and harmony. The restrained, calming palette of earth tones gains intensity and an illusion of spatial depth and volume through the artist’s employment of Renaissance techniques of layering the surface with wax, dry pigment and thick glazes. At times Touby’s wild, visceral brushstrokes reclaim an expressionist spirit. These combined qualities bring her canvases to life, gently pulling the viewer into the depths of the artist’s subconscious.
A native of Florida, Touby moved to New York as a teenager where she began her studies at the Pratt Institue in Brooklyn. She continued training at the Art Student’s League and later the National Academy of Art. Touby’s works have been included in numerous solo and group exhibitions at museums and galleries internationally including the Museum Fur Konkrete Kunst Ingolstadt (1999), Germany.
